Tina Cole, of Bull Shoals and Community and Economic Development Coordinator with the Northwest Arkansas Economic Development District of Harrison, is among 49 new graduates of the Delta Leadership Institute. The Delta Leadership Institute is a year-long executive academy initiative of the Delta Regional Authority.
The training program brought business and community leaders together from each of the eight states served by DRA to gain the tools, experiences, and networks that will help them enhance economic opportunities in their communities as well as boost the regional economy.
Returning from the final session on Friday, Cole says she is already utilizing the knowledge she gained from the DLI.
Cole says these are just two examples of what she anticipates will be an ongoing opportunity to help communities in Northwest Arkansas.
Cole’s role with the Northwest Arkansas Economic Development District brings resources to the nine counties in its membership, including Baxter, Boone, Marion, Newton and Searcy counties.
The Delta Regional Authority is a federal-state partnership created by Congress in 2000 to help create jobs, build communities, and improve lives through strategic investments in economic development in 252 counties and parishes across eight states
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