Forrester says not guilty on charges stemming from punching incidents

Blaze Forrester appeared in Baxter County Circuit Court Thursday and entered a not guilty plea to the latest charges filed against him stemming from attacks on various people.The 22-year-old Forrester is currently free on $75,000 bond. Circuit Judge John Putman asked Forrester how, given his circumstances, he was able to post such a large bond. Forrester said he had arranged to pay a bonding company on the installment plan.

The latest charges against Forrester were filed after he allegedly punched two people just before Christmas — one at a local theater and the other at a local fast food restaurant.

According to information from the Mountain Home Police Department, officers were first called to the movie theater after a pregnant woman reported she had been hit in the face. She said her husband and a man later identified as Forrester had a verbal disagreement and as the couple began to exit the theater the woman said Forrester hit her in the face with his fist and ran off. Less than a half hour later, police were called to a local fast food restaurant where Forrester had leaned into a vehicle sitting in the drive thru and allegedly punched the driver of the vehicle.

There was no mention in court records of any connection between Forrester and his alleged victims.

The initial charges were filed against Forrester after he became angry with his elderly grandfather who told him to put a shirt on before leaving the house on May 31st. Forrester was reported to have attacked his grandfather, repeatedly hitting the older man about the face and head. The victim told law officers he did not believe his grandson was ever going to stop hitting him.

After he was arrested on charges stemming from the attack on his grandfather and was an inmate in the Baxter County Detention Center, he is reported to have punched a jailer.

Forrester has undergone an evaluation to determine if he was mentally fit to proceed. While the results are sealed, if a case proceeds beyond the point the evaluation report is received, it can be assumed he was found fit. Defense attorney Mark Cooper has told the court he did not agree with the conclusions of the first evaluation and wanted to have a second one done at the expense of the Public Defender Commission.

Forrester was order to reappear in Circuit Court January 18th.

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