A winter weather advisory is in affect for the entire Twin Lakes Area as an Arctic cold front surges across the region. Freezing rain is expected which could impact travel in north central Arkansas and southern Missouri. The advisory is in effect for north central Arkansas from 6:00 Thursday evening until 6:00 Friday morning and for southern Missouri from 9:00 Thursday morning until midnight Thursday.
Joe Goudsward, from the National Weather Service in North Little Rock, has more on what to expect.
Doug Cramer, from the National Weather Service in Springfield, says conditions may be a bit more extreme for portions of southern Missouri.
One to two hundredths of an inch of freezing rain can be expected in northern Arkansas before a change to sleet occurs. A tenth to three tenths of an inch of sleet is possible.
Those traveling during these time frames should exercise caution.
For the latest cancellations and current road conditions visit https://www.ktlo.com/cancellations/#!/ .
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