The filing period for the April 2018 election in Missouri continues through January 16th.
The Ozark County Times reports the filing period for candidates wishing to run in the April 3rd, general municipal election for seats on school, municipal and other public boards continues until 5 p.m. Tuesday, January 16th.
Candidates are invited to file for positions that will be open open on municipal and public boards.
In the City of Bakersfield, three two-year terms will be opening. Candidates wishing to file should call 417-284-7238 or 417-284-1626.
In the City of Gainesville, two-year terms currently held by Mayor Deanna Gail Reich and three alderman are expiring. Candidates may file at city hall from 8 a.m. to noon and from 12:30 to 4:30 weekdays through January 16th.
On the Village of Theodosia Board of Trustees, three two-year terms will be open. Candidates may obtain and submit applications at Theodosia Village Hall from 11:00 until 2:00 weekdays, except Wednesdays and holidays or by calling Judy Lowe at 417-273-0092.
In Theodosia’s Public Water Supply District No. 1, two three-year terms are expiring. Candidates may file at the water district office, 85 Westwood in Theodosia. To be eligible, candidates must be a registered voter who resides in the district, have no delinquent taxes, be at least 25 years old and must have resided in the sub-district they wish to represent for at least one year prior to election. For more information, call 417-273-4825.
Two three-year positions are opening on all five Ozark County School districts. School board candidates may file at the school in the district where they live.
In Bakersfield, two seats are opening. Candidates may file from 7:30 until 3:30 at the school on days when classes are in session.
In Dora, two seats will be open. Candidates may file at the school from 8:00 until 3:00 on days when school is in session.
At Gainesville, two seats will be open. Candidates may file at the high school from 8:00 until 4:00 on days when school is in session. Ballot order will be determined by the order of filing.
In Lutie, two seats will be open. Candidates may file from 8:00 until 3:00 when school is in session.
At Thornfield, two seats will be open. Candidates may file at the school between 8:00 until 4:00 on days when school is in session.
The filing period for candidates wishing to run in the August 7th primary election begins February 27th. Offices up for election in 2018 include associate circuit judge, presiding county commissioner, county clerk, clerk of circuit court and recorder of deeds, county treasurer and county collector.
The Missouri Secretary of State website says candidates who file for the primary election on the first day by 5 p.m. will select a number by random drawing. The random number drawn determines the candidates primary ballot placement. After the first day, candidates are placed on the ballot in the order of their filing.
Candidates may file in the office of Ozark County Clerk Brian Wise in the courthouse. The filing period for the primary election continues until 5 p.m. Tuesday, March 27th. For more information, call the clerks office at 417-679-3516.
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