(AP) – Goodwill, a job training agency best known for its thrift
stores, is entering the field of education in Missouri.St. Louis Public Radio reports that MERS Goodwill, the branch that covers Missouri and southern Illinois, has won a contract with Missouri education officials to open four adult high schools. Each will be known as an Excel Center.The first is scheduled to open in St. Louis in October. It will enroll 200 to 300 students over the age of 21, and charge no tuition. The school will offer 90-minute courses from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and provide free child care.
stores, is entering the field of education in Missouri.St. Louis Public Radio reports that MERS Goodwill, the branch that covers Missouri and southern Illinois, has won a contract with Missouri education officials to open four adult high schools. Each will be known as an Excel Center.The first is scheduled to open in St. Louis in October. It will enroll 200 to 300 students over the age of 21, and charge no tuition. The school will offer 90-minute courses from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and provide free child care.
The other schools will be in Poplar Bluff, Columbia and Springfield.
In addition to Goodwill donations the state is providing $8 million for the schools.
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