(AP) – A Fort Smith man has been sentenced to 60 years in
prison after pleading guilty to killing two brothers.The Times Record reports that 35-year-old Stanley “Sam” Ambrose Mazurek faced first-degree murder charges in the January 2017 deaths of 48-year-old Roger Allen Woods and 32-year-old Bradley Scott Woods.
prison after pleading guilty to killing two brothers.The Times Record reports that 35-year-old Stanley “Sam” Ambrose Mazurek faced first-degree murder charges in the January 2017 deaths of 48-year-old Roger Allen Woods and 32-year-old Bradley Scott Woods.
Mazurek pleaded guilty Wednesday to two counts of murder in Sebastian County Circuit Court. Mazurek had several felony convictions prior to the sentencing.
The mother of the Woods brothers read a victim-impact statement at the plea hearing. Shirley Woods says that the deaths of her sons shattered their family.
The prosecutor says the family agreed to the 60-year sentence. The judge says no appeal is possible.
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