(AP) – A man who embezzled at least $380,500 from a
University of Missouri fraternity has been sentenced to two years in prison.Sixty-three-year-old Burt Beard, of Kirksville, was sentenced Monday and
ordered to make restitution to the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity.
The Columbia Tribune reports Beard apologized for his actions before he was sentenced. He pleaded guilty in September to bank fraud for embezzling the money. He was the fraternity Missouri chapter’s treasurer for more than a decade.
University of Missouri fraternity has been sentenced to two years in prison.Sixty-three-year-old Burt Beard, of Kirksville, was sentenced Monday and
ordered to make restitution to the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity.
The Columbia Tribune reports Beard apologized for his actions before he was sentenced. He pleaded guilty in September to bank fraud for embezzling the money. He was the fraternity Missouri chapter’s treasurer for more than a decade.
James Feuerbaher, president of the corporation that owns the Sigma Alpha
Epsilon house at Missouri, said the building badly needed repairs during the time Beard was embezzling.
The national Sigma Alpha Epsilon leadership ordered the Missouri chapter to cease all activity in December, citing an investigation into health and safety violations.
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