(AP) – Some Missouri lawmakers are raising concerns about
Gov. Eric Greitens’ plan to continue cuts to school transportation funding.Public schools were originally budgeted to get $105 million in state
transportation aid in the 2018 fiscal year. Greitens cut that to $90 million when he signed the budget last summer.
Gov. Eric Greitens’ plan to continue cuts to school transportation funding.Public schools were originally budgeted to get $105 million in state
transportation aid in the 2018 fiscal year. Greitens cut that to $90 million when he signed the budget last summer.
On Monday, Greitens unveiled a 2019 budget plan that would provide $92 million in school transportation aid – essentially continuing most of this year’s cuts.
Members of the House subcommittee for education appropriations raised concerns Tuesday that the governor’s plan could hurt the finance of districts, particularly those that span large geographic areas.
The House panel serves as the starting point for state budget bills and could change or ignore the governor’s recommendation for school busing.
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