Twenty-three German exchange students arrived in Mountain Home earlier this month. The students are a part of The German-American Partnership Program (GAPP), an international youth exchange program offered and supported by the German government. They were greeted with a welcome rally at Mountain Home High School when they arrived. The exchange students will be in Mountain Home for approximately another week and a half before returning to Germany.
Later this year, the participating Mountain Home students will travel to Germany, where they will be hosted by their German exchange student’s family. The Mountain Home students will start their trip to Germany with a multi-country sightseeing bus tour before arriving at their host cites in Regensburg. While in Regensburg, the students will attend a German high school, shadowing their German host students for two weeks before returning home to the United States.
The GAP Program was first brought to Mountain Home in the early 1980s by former German teacher Nancy Reed. Since its introduction, there have been 24 exchanges in the Twin Lakes Area, during which twenty or more German students are hosted by Mountain Home students and their families.
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