High school principal hired, coaches resign at Cotter Schools


A number of personnel matters were addressed in Thursday evening’s Cotter School Board meeting, including the hiring of Douglas Corely as high school principal.

Resignations were accepted from James Martin “Marty” Hall, Baseball Head Coach, and Chad Wheeler, Boys Basketball Head Coach. Resignations were also accepted for elementary teachers Andrea Gentry and Mallory Jones.

Other hires included Jaime Watson and Taylor Williams as elementary teachers, and head baseball coaching duties were added to Jarod Jefferson’s 2018-19 contract.

In other action, Tina Cole, Community and Economic Development Coordinator with the Northwest Arkansas Economic Development District in Harrison, discussed an opportunity for Cotter Public Schools to apply as an alternate for a 75 percent grant for the construction of a FEMA shelter. The board voted to proceed with the application.

The board approved renewal of Renaissance software and the purchase of a new 24-passenger bus, additional kits for magnetic door locks and new Chromebooks for incoming eighth grade students. An Apple lease option for the business lab and teacher MacBooks was tabled.

The board approved post-dated warrants to finance campus LED lighting upgrades.

The Annual Accreditation Report was reviewed, and the special education budget and assurances were approved for 2018-19.

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