BC delinquent tax notices en route to over 5,300 addresses


Over 5,300 postcards are on their way to Baxter County property owners who did not pay their annual personal property taxes by the Oct. 15th deadline. The notices represent 2017 delinquent taxes due in Baxter County.Collector Teresa Smith says property owners receiving a bight green postcard will need to contact her office to obtain the total amount of taxes and fees due.

The Baxter County Collector’s Office is located at 8 East Seventh Street on the south side of the courthouse square. Contact may be made in person, by calling 870-425-8300 or by website at www.baxtercounty.org Baxter County government and clicking the “pay taxes online” button.

No personal checks will be accepted for payment of delinquent taxes. Smith says only guaranteed funds, such as cash, cashier’s check, money orders or credit/debit cards, with processing fees applied, will be accepted.

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