CONWAY, Ark. (AP) – The Windgate Foundation has pledged $20 million in matching
funds for a new fine-arts building at the University of Central Arkansas.
The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reports the 114,000-square-foot Windgate Center for Fine and Performing Arts will include 44,000 square feet of art space, an art gallery, a 450-seat concert hall, and a theater with studio and classrooms.
UCA says $19 million of Windgate’s gift will go toward the center’s
construction with the remainder dedicated to the private foundation’s
scholarship fund. Construction costs are estimated at $45 million, with the
balance to be paid from private gifts and other resources.
Windgate’s gift is the largest in the university’s 111-year history. UCA
President Houston Davis and Kale Gober, vice president for university
advancement, requested the contribution on behalf of the UCA Foundation.
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