The latest data are in for deer and elk samples with Chronic Wasting Disease from last hunting season, showing Newton, Carroll and Boone counties testing highest.
According to the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, samples from 12 counties in Northern Arkansas were tested for CWD. As of April 24, Newton County had the highest rate of the disease, with 381 samples testing positive for CWD. Carroll County was second highest with 76 positive cases, and Boone was third highest finding 70 positive samples.
CWD is a fatal neurological condition similar to “mad cow disease” affecting deer and elk. It progresses slowly, with infected animals showing no signs of the disease initially, then progressively growing thinner and weaker, demonstrating strange behavior, including excessive thirst and drooling. Infected animals generally die after the onset of these symptoms.
The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission reports there is no current scientific evidence of CWD transmission to humans, pets or livestock under natural conditions. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advise all deer and elk be tested for CWD, and the meat of any animal testing positive for the disease must be properly disposed of.
For more information on CWD, go to
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