BRMC’s Mruk Center marks 10th anniversary Friday


The Mruk Family Education Center on Aging at Baxter Regional Medical Center will mark its 10th anniversary endowment Friday with an open house.The open house from 2 until 4 will commemorate the occasion with light refreshments.

Paul and Janet Mruk will be at the house visiting with guests, and the community is welcome to stop by at any time.

A “tree of life'” will be set up for guests to write their experiences with the Mruk Family Education Center on Aging on a leaf and hang it on the tree. The “tree of life” will be displayed through Friday for anyone not able to attend the open house.

For more information, contact Diahanne VanGulick, MFECOA coordinator, by calling (870) 508-3881 or emailing Diahanne VanGulick.

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