Local student serving as state 4-H officer


Photo: State 4-H officers

Chase Blum of Baxter County is one of seven 4-H state officers selected during the annual 4-H State O-Rama held in Fayetteville on the University of Arkansas campus. Blum is serving as secretary for 2019-2020.

The officers campaigned throughout the summer at various events, including Teen Leader Conference, District O-Rama and State O-Rama.

Lori Canada, state officer advisor, says serving as a 4-H State Officer can help prepare students for their future in a number of ways. Canada says the skills the students learn during their year as officers will be a basis for their confidence and poise in any endeavor they undertake.

The Arkansas 4-H state officer team is comprised of a president, first vice president, three district vice presidents, secretary and a reporter. Each district elected a representative for the Arkansas 4-H state officer team during the District O-Rama events.

4-H State officers also get the chance to travel the state while working on events and their skills.

Canada says, “They will be representing Arkansas 4-H throughout the state. Some specific skills that the officers will grow in will be public speaking, interacting with sponsors and administrators of various organizations.”

Canada says, “Each year the officer team has their own personality and they grow and develop throughout the year. This year, the officers are very collaborative and have an understanding of the obligations that are ahead of them.”

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