With Halloween Thursday night, the Baxter County Historical and Genealogical Society is preparing for a popular event. Trick or Treat at the Casey House continues Thursday evening from 5:30 until 8.
Historical society Vice President Jennifer Baker says when patrons arrive at the Casey House at the intersection of Wade Street and Arena Drive in Mountain Home, they will see the house lit up, and there will be many things to see.
Baker says the Trick or Treat event is kid-friendly with plenty of candy, and it’s also a way to appreciate the historical significance of the Casey House.
There is no cost to attend. Parking is available in front of the Casey House and in the parking lot on the other side of Wade Street. For more information, go online to baxtercountyhistory.org or facebook.com/BaxterCountyHistoricalandGenealogicalSocietyInc
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