Man arrested again for causing disturbance at parents’ home while intoxicated


Photo: Daniel Lewis Milde

A man who has picked up a variety of charges stemming from an excessive use of alcohol, including allegedly setting a fire in his parents’ home, was arrested again early this month for being intoxicated and causing a disturbance at the family residence.

According to a Baxter County Sheriff’s Office incident report, 34-year-old Daniel Lewis Milde’s father reported his son was intoxicated and threatening to harm himself.

The latest reported incident occurred April 8 at the family residence along County Road 25. The father told deputies Milde and the son’s girlfriend had been involved in an argument, and she had left the residence.

When deputies spoke to Milde, he denied any intention to harm himself, but admitted he was depressed. During the investigation, the deputies found the bed in Milde’s room had been damaged by fire.

His mother said it was an accident caused by a cigarette. The deputies also found a small metal grinder on the nightstand. It was dismantled and found to have marijuana residue inside. The charges against Milde in the latest case are misdemeanors.

It is the second time Milde has been involved in a fire at the residence, both described as accidental by his parents.

During the evening of June 10 last year, Milde was reported to have shown up at his parents’ home intoxicated and confrontational.

Milde’s father is reported to have told investigators looking into the incident his son had exhibited similar behavior in the past that at times had led to violent physical altercations.

According to the probable cause affidavit, Milde had been living at the residence “off and on” for about three months.

On the night of the June 10, 2019 incident, Milde’s father said his son eventually left the residence, and he took the opportunity to gather family members together and take them to a local motel to spend the night.

When Milde’s sister returned to the house the next day to pick up her work shoes, she found all the doors and windows open. She told investigators she also observed “remnants of a fire” on a cookstove and table in the kitchen.

It was discovered during the investigation Mountain Home firemen had been dispatched to the residence for a reported structure fire just before midnight.

The firemen said they found a pile of rags on the cookstove and burned debris on the kitchen table. A small pile of cardboard boxes was in the middle of the living room, but the containers had not been ignited.

At the time he was arrested, Milde told investigators he had come home intoxicated and remembered very little about what had happened. He said he believed he was trying to cook something that might account for the fire on the stove.

Investigators say they found no pots, pans or food items on the stove, only the burned rags.

Charges in the case were eventually dismissed. At the time, Ben Gibson, who represented Milde, told the court that, despite what had happened, his client would be able to live with his parents, and they had agreed to monitor his activities to ensure he did not drink.

Gibson also reported his client had paid for the damage done to his parents’ residence.

It was announced during one circuit court session that Milde had successfully completed an addiction treatment program offered by John 3:16.

Milde also faced charges in two criminal cases filed in 2016, one involving violent behavior.

In one incident, he was reported to have forced his way into a home and attacked some of those in the residence before being knocked out by the boyfriend of one of the three female occupants.

Baxter County Deputies found a bloody, unconscious Milde lying in the inside doorway of the residence along Wildcat Shoals Road.

The occupants of the residence said Milde had visited earlier in the evening but had been kicked out. When he returned, he was refused entry and forcefully made his way into the home.

Milde was given five years probation on those charges after pleading no contest.

He was also charged with public intoxication and possession of a controlled substance in 2016 when Baxter County deputies were called to an address along Fawn Road where Milde had allegedly attempted to break into a shop building and then the home of the property owner.

Three hours after that report was made, a female called to report Milde was sitting on her front porch. When deputies responded to the second call, they found Milde still on the porch.

When they attempted to talk with him, the deputies said Milde had the strong of alcohol about his person and almost fell over several times before being put in handcuffs and taken to the Baxter County Detention Center.

Milde got time in the Baxter County jail and 12 months probation on those charges.

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