The Buffalo River Elk Festival, originally planned for June 26-27 has been canceled, according to a social media post from the festival planning committee. The cancellation was in accordance with Arkansas Department of Health guidelines amid the continuing battle to slow the spread of the virus that causes COVID-19.”This decision was a difficult one to make, but the health and safety of our community is paramount,” the post says. “We are looking into dates later this year when we might be able to celebrate after restrictions change.”
The drawing of elk hunting permits, one of the largest attractions to the festival for many Arkansas hunters, will be conducted this year using the same electronic drawing system used for turkey, deer and alligator hunt drawings.
“Applicants won’t have to do anything extra to enter the online drawing,” says Wes Wright, elk program coordinator for the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission (AGFC). “Instead of printing out the applications and loading them into a squirrel cage, it will be done by a completely random digital system by a vendor outside of the AGFC, just like the rest of our draws.”
Wright says the three elk hunting permits normally reserved for applicants who enter at the festival will be included in the online draw, bringing the total permit count available for the drawing to 23.
“This is obviously not ideal, and we hope to continue the elk permit drawings at the festival next year, but we also want to give hunters the opportunity to hunt elk this year and to have as much time as possible to prepare for their hunt,” Wright says.
Applicants who successfully draw an elk permit will be notified via email, as well as by phone, and the list of this year’s hunters will be publicized once the draw is concluded.
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