HUMANSVILLE, Mo. (AP) – Authorities are investigating a Christian boarding
school from which around 20 girls were removed after former residents turned to
social media to describe abuse in a case that has focused attention on a
Missouri law that exempts faith-based schools from oversight.
In recent years, the state has substantiated four reports of abuse and neglect
involving the Circle of Hope Girls’ Ranch, which is located less than 7 miles
(11.27 kilometers) from the 1,000-person town of Humansville in rural
southwestern Missouri.
One report was for neglect, one for physical abuse and neglect and two for
sexual abuse allegations, said Rebecca Woelfel, a spokeswoman for the Missouri
Department of Social Services. She did not say when the reports were made or
whom the allegations were against, The Kansas City Star reported.
Former residents told the newspaper about punishments that included the
withholding of food and water and being forced to stand against a wall for hours
for even minor infractions.
But because the recently closed reform school is exempt from state licensure,
the state “does not have authority” over its operations, Woelfel said. The
facility has close ties to the independent fundamental Baptist church, which
teach followers to separate themselves from worldly influence. Such churches
refuse to join any affiliated Baptist denomination.
No criminal charges have been filed against the owners, Boyd and Stephanie
Householder. But an investigation is underway, and Cedar County’s prosecuting
attorney, Ty Gaither, said he’s still waiting on reports from state agencies and
law enforcement.
The couple say they have no plans to reopen the school but want their
reputation restored. They have appealed all of the substantiated reports,
blaming their estranged daughter and what they describe as a group of former
residents whose lives didn’t turn out the way they wanted after they left the
“They’re angry and they’re bitter, and they want to blame somebody,” said
Stephanie Householder, 55. “They feel like they’re victims, and they just want
to take their anger out on somebody.”
Last month, Cedar County authorities removed all of the girls who were still at
the facility — 25 of them according to the prosecutor and 18 according to
Stephanie Householder. A search warrant also was served.
The couple’s attorney, Jay Kirksey, didn’t immediately respond to phone
messages from The Star and The Associated Press.
In recent months, several former residents have recorded videos for social
media describing their alleged abuse. And a secret recording made in March by a
friend of the Householders appeared to capture Boyd Householder endorsing the
use of violence among the girls.
Boyd Householder told The Star that the video was edited and that he was simply
telling one girl that she had the right to defend herself against another.
The couple’s daughter, Amanda Householder, said that although she’s relieved to
hear that her parents are shutting down Circle of Hope, she’s not going to stop
pushing for a thorough investigation.
“I’m not done,” she said. “They can deny it all they want, but they still
need to be held accountable.”
Democratic state Rep. Keri Ingle, a former social worker from Lee’s Summit, has
asked the state’s Office of the Child Advocate to conduct a complete review of
the allegations against Circle of Hope and called for a legislative committee
hearing on the matter.
“I want to know what happened, what happened in the system?” Ingle said.
“Was it they weren’t following their own policies, they weren’t following
existing laws? Or are there laws and policies that need to be put in place to
prevent this from happening again?”
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