Community notified of sex offender locating in area


Photo: William Taylor

The Izard County Sheriff’s Office is notifying the public of a Level 3 sex offender locating in Calico Rock.

In a Facebook post, the sheriff’s office advises, William Taylor, born in 1971, has moved to 2206 Red Lane.

The sheriff’s office says Taylor was convicted of two counts of rape.

The Izard County Sheriff’s Department is making the notification pursuant to Section 13 of Act 989 of 1997, the act’s amendments of 2006, the Sex and Child Offender Registration and the Community Notification Guidelines promulgated by the Commission on Abuse, which authorizes law enforcement agencies to inform the public of a sex offender’s record. The intent of the release of such information is to enhance public safety and protection.

Taylor has been convicted of an offense requiring registration with the Arkansas Crime Information Center. Further, his previous criminal history places him in a classification level reflecting the potential to reoffend.

Taylor is not wanted by the law enforcement. This notification is not intended to increase fear; rather, it is the sheriff’s belief an informed public is a safer public.

The Izard County Sheriff’s Department has no legal authority to direct where a sexual offender lives. Unless court-ordered restrictions exist, these offenders are constitutionally free to live wherever he/she chooses. Sex offenders have always lived in our communities; but it wasn’t until the passage of the Sex and Child Offender Registration Act that law enforcement even knew where they were living.

In many cases, law enforcement is now able to share this information. This information cannot be used to threaten, intimidate, or harass registered sex offenders. Citizen abuse will not be tolerated. Such abuse could potentially end law enforcement’s ability to make community notifications.

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