Action on the 2021 budget and the awarding of over $388,000 to three non-profits from CARES Act funding highlight the Baxter County Quorum Court’s agenda Tuesday evening at 6.
In addition, the budget will reflect a realignment of the county’s wage scale after adjusting for the increase in the minimum wage beginning Jan. 1. The minimum wage increase was approved by voters in 2018. With the passage of Issue 5, Arkansas’s minimum hourly wage went to $9.25 in January 2019, to $10 in January 2020 and in its final step will increase to $11 on Jan. 1.
The fourth highlight is reflected in a continued shift of costs of the 911 Center from the county general portion of the budget, as a result of action taken by the legislature in its last regular session.
Judge Pendergrass says the legislative action leading to additional cellphone fees is providing funding geared to making 911 centers self-sufficient. At the time of the legislative action, it was projected funding for 911 centers would increase by 60%. Pendergrass says in Baxter County’s case, funding has almost doubled.
In other business, the court will be asked to appropriate over $388,000 in coronavirus relief funds to three local non-profits.
In October, the court gave its approval to a grant application through the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. The three non-profits set to share the approved funding are the Food Bank of North Central Arkansas and the 33 organizations it serves, the Baxter County Fair Board and the Baxter County Fire Chiefs Association for those departments in the unincorporated areas of the county.
Pendergrass says the court will also be considering other organizations for funding, in addition to the three already identified.
The court will also be asked to give its approval for $80,000 in funding for the purchase of unidentified property.
Judge Pendergrass tells KTLO, Classic Hits and The Boot news as of Monday afternoon he did not have a signed document for the purchase, only a verbal offer and acceptance. He declined to identify the property’s location or owner. He says the property is important to the county and has been for years due to its location. However, he said a use for the property has not been identified. Pendergrass says the property was offered for sale to the county at its assessed value.
The court will also consider an ordinance appropriating $69,500 into the sheriff’s department budget for the purchase of vehicles and parts and repairs.
Tuesday evening’s meeting will be held in the second floor courtroom of the Baxter County Courthouse and was delayed one week due to the uptick in COVID-19 cases in the county. To view a livestream of the meeting, click here.
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