Meals on Wheels is a local program housed at the Van Matre Senior Center in Mountain Home serving nearly 170 meals on a weekly basis, but there may be some months in which 600 meals are served. Meals are prepackaged and can be kept frozen or refrigerated to be ready in advance for food-insufficient senior citizens in the Twin Lakes Area.
Van Matre Senior Center Director Robin Snyder was a recent guest of the Talk of the Town on KTLO-FM, and she says the program is in need of donations.
The goal of Meals on Wheels is to help Arkansas seniors remain healthy, active, independent and contributing members of the community as long as possible. Meals are delivered to the residences of frail or disabled elderly citizens unable to go to the senior center and unable to prepare meals for themselves. Meals are also served curbside daily at the senior center located in Cooper Park.
For anyone looking to make a donation, Snyder says there are multiple avenues to provide assistance.
Donations can also be made by going to aaanwar.org and clicking “Make a Donation.” All donations are tax deductible.
This month, Our Community Cares, sponsored by Danny Porter of Century 21 LeMac Realty, Farmers and Merchants Bank, Pizza Hut and KTLO, Classic Hits and The Boot, recognizes Meals on Wheels and its dedication to feeding senior citizens of the Twin Lakes Area. Learn more at ktlo.com/ourcommunitycares.
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