Arkansas House actions include nurse practitioner scope of practice

Photo: Courtesy Arkansas House of Representatives
The Arkansas House of Representatives took up several public health and education bills Monday afternoon.Members passed the following bills:

HB1258 – Authorizes full independent practice authority for certified nurse practitioners who meet certain requirements. Currently, nurse practitioners have to practice in a collaborative agreement with physicians.

HB1069 – Authorizes pharmacists to provide access to oral contraceptives. The bill also includes a provision for pharmacists to refer a patient to a primary care or women’s health provider, if she has not been seen by a physician in the previous six months.

SB226 – Creates the Arkansas Legislative Council (ALC) medical marijuana advisory subcommittee. The subcommittee will provide advice on all matters pertaining to Amendment 98. Amendment 98 permitted the sale, distribution, and use of medical marijuana in Arkansas.

HB1506 – Classifies the use of a hoax bomb as a Class C felony. A hoax bomb is defined as a device designed to look like an explosive or incendiary device.

SB31 – States that any public high school shall administer college and career readiness assessments, including a career readiness assessment that leads to a nationally recognized work readiness certificate, to each student before he or she graduates from high school.

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