Reppell Diabetes Learning Center provides tools to manage disease


The Baxter Regional Hospital Foundation has been providing ongoing funding for Baxter Regional Medical Center since 1988, but it also gives financial support to a group of community health education and support houses. One of those houses is the Reppell Diabetes Learning Center, offering information on topics regarding diabetes and tools to manage this disease.

Reppell Diabetes Learning Center Coordinator Jodi Bodenhamer was a recent guest of the Talk of the Town on KTLO-FM, and she says the house’s goal is to make sure area residents have the nutrition knowledge they need.


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The center provides self-care skills and classes in nutrition, cooking healthy meals, exercise and activity planning. Bodenhamer says the next class, scheduled for Thursday, will be on the topic of budget meals.


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The center staff rarely asks for any fees, and they have testing supplies available if necessary. For more information, contact Bodenhamer at 870-508-1765.

This month, Our Community Cares, sponsored by Advanced Auto Body, Carl Wayne’s Nurseries, Farmers and Merchants Bank, H&R Block, Pizza Hut, West Plains Bank and Trust, Danny Porter of Century 21 LeMac Realty and KTLO, Classic Hits and The Boot, recognizes the Reppell Diabetes Learning Center and its work to help residents manage their diabetes. Learn more at

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