Land purchase on Baxter County Quorum Court’s agenda


The Baxter County Quorum Court will meet Tuesday night at 6 in the second-floor courtroom of the Baxter County Courthouse for its September meeting.One item on Thursday’s agenda is possibly purchasing property located on Brown Lane in Cotter for $20,000.According to the proposed appropriation ordinance to be considered, the lot is needed to complete the construction of a new bridge across Hightower Creek on Denton Ferry Road and establish a conservation easement during the bridge’s construction to maintain proper water flow and bank stabilization.

The ordinance states that the county will sell the lot once the bridge’s construction is complete.

Also on the meeting’s agenda are presentations by Brad Runsick from Baxter County Extension Office and a presentation by Mike Glotzl on the 9/11 anniversary ceremony planned for downtown Mountain Home.

Justices of the peace will also consider the appointment of Larry Ivens to the Henderson Fire Protection District Board of Commissioners; the appointment of Wendy Flentge to the Henderson Fire Protection District Board of Commissioners and the appointment of Nathan Byrd and the re-appointment of Luke Glassock to the Lone Rock Protection District Board of Commissioners.

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