Man flees from authorities, takes pie with him


A man was arrested Saturday in Ozark County after attempting to flee authorities while carrying a pie. Noel Cole is being held in the Ozark County Jail on an active felony warrant in Douglas County.

According to the Ozark County Sheriff’s Office, Cole was pulled over for a traffic violation in Theodosia, and the deputy discovered the warrant. Cole reportedly attempted to flee. The deputy deployed his TASER and made contact, but the vehicle door pulled the cords free.

Cole was reportedly pursued to Locust Road, as he tried evading the deputy and a Missouri Department of Conservation officer. He then fled on foot while carrying an object the authorities were unable to identify. When Cole was apprehended, the deputy discovered the object was a Marie Callender’s chocolate cream pie.

In a social media post, the sheriff’s office says the pie seemed extremely important to Mr. Cole, so it was placed with his personal belongings and is being kept as safe as possible for him until his release.

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