Rep. Speaks will complete her fourth term in the General Assembly at the end of 2022. At that point, she will have served in publicly elected office for 26 years — including 16 as Baxter County treasurer, two as a justice of the peace and what will be eight as representative for House District 100.
Reflecting on the last seven years, Speaks notes a number of personal accomplishments.
Speaks says she believes education legislation passed during her tenure has made the state’s public schools better.
She adds two additional accomplishments to her list.
Speaks says legislation is just one part of serving as a representative, with the other being constituency service to assist constituents through the maze of state government to address individual needs and concerns.
In making her retirement announcement, Speaks is endorsing a candidate to succeed her.
Speaks says in her endorsement of Painter that he will be a strong conservative voice representing the values of Baxter County with integrity.
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