Photo: Angela Goodman
Angela Goodman is announcing her candidacy for Marion County tax collector.
Goodman has been employed as a deputy clerk in the tax collector’s office since 2016.
Goodman moved to the area 27 years ago with her two young children, looking for a better place to raise her family.
She says she has always felt she would one day advance her career within the collector’s office. When the most recent county collector made her intentions known a few years ago that she would not be seeking reelection, Goodman began planning to run for office.
Because of her experience in the workings of the collector’s office, Goodman says she believes she is the best person to fill the position.
Goodman says, “I believe I have a vision for improvements that can be made to better serve all the people of Marion County. I plan for the tax collector’s office to be fully transparent in its operations, as well as find solutions to some long-time issues. I look forward to adding online payments to our website to increase anytime access for our community as well.”
Goodman says she loves meeting the taxpayers and helping them. She says she always appreciates a challenge and enjoys finding ways for the county to not only save money but maintain a consistent revenue stream.
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