While many learn reading, math and English skills at an early age, for other children and adults, the struggle continues. The Twin Lakes Literacy Council is a nonprofit organization of volunteers working to promote literacy in Baxter County by providing free one-to-one tutoring.
Executive Director Heather Powell was a recent guest of the Talk of the Town on KTLO-FM, and she says the literacy skills among area residents have taken a slide.
In addition to assisting with reading and math skills, Powell says the council has tutors to help those wanting to learn English as a second language.
The council is always in need of tutors. Powell says experience as an educator is not necessary.
Anyone looking to volunteer as a tutor can contact the council office at 870-425-7323.
This month, Our Community Cares, sponsored by Farmers and Merchants Bank, Advanced Auto Body, H&R Block and KTLO, Classic Hits and The Boot, recognizes the Twin Lakes Literacy Council’s mission to promote literacy in Baxter County. Learn more at ktlo.com/ourcommunitycares.
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