Twin Lakes Literacy Council can assist with reading, math


While many learn reading, math and English skills at an early age, for other children and adults, the struggle continues. The Twin Lakes Literacy Council is a nonprofit organization of volunteers working to promote literacy in Baxter County by providing free one-to-one tutoring.

Executive Director Heather Powell was a recent guest of the Talk of the Town on KTLO-FM, and she says the literacy skills among area residents have taken a slide.


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In addition to assisting with reading and math skills, Powell says the council has tutors to help those wanting to learn English as a second language.


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The council is always in need of tutors. Powell says experience as an educator is not necessary.


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Anyone looking to volunteer as a tutor can contact the council office at 870-425-7323.

This month, Our Community Cares, sponsored by Farmers and Merchants Bank, Advanced Auto Body, H&R Block and KTLO, Classic Hits and The Boot, recognizes the Twin Lakes Literacy Council’s mission to promote literacy in Baxter County. Learn more at

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