Wreaths Across America Mobile Education Exhibit making stop in Mountain Home


Photo: courtesy of Wreaths Across America

Wreaths Across America Mobile Education Exhibit (WAA MEE) will make a stop in Mountain Home during its national tour.

The 15-city-tour began at the WAA Headquarters in Maine and will be in Mountain Home Monday, May 2, for a free and open-to-the-public event.

The event will take place on the courthouse square from 10 to 4.

Jill Brown, secretary of the Captain Nathan Watkins Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, says the mobile exhibit strives to bring the community closer together in support of active and retired military.


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The event will begin at 10 with an opening from Mountain Home Mayor Hillrey Adams. After the opening statements, Judge Mickey Pendergrass will lead in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a performance of the National Anthem by Lori Gregory.

At 11, a “Welcome Home Ceremony” will take place for Vietnam Veterans. Brown says two members of the MEE will present a few items.


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The interactive museum will feature opportunities in the form of short movies, exhibits and stories to educate visitors about the service and sacrifice of the nation’s heroes.


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The unit will be located at 1 East Sixth Street in Mountain Home, the North side of the courthouse square.

National Wreaths Across America Day will be held Saturday, Dec. 17. To sponsor a wreath visit www.wreathsacrossamerica.org, each sponsorship purchases a live balsam wreath to be placed on the headstone of an American hero.

All veterans, active-duty military and local community members are invited to attend the event. The public tours for the MEE are free and open to the public with social distancing, sanitation and safety procedures in place to protect the health of all visitors in accordance with the CDC’s recommendation for large gatherings stemming from concerns surrounding the pandemic. Members of the media, dignitaries, veterans and other interested groups are encouraged to attend, ask questions, share stories and experience the one-of-a-kind exhibit.

Wreaths Across America is the nonprofit organization best known for placing wreaths on veteran’s headstones at Arlington National Cemetery. However, in 2021, the organization placed more than 2.4 million sponsored veterans’ wreaths at more than 3,100 participating locations nationwide.

All Wreaths Across America Day events are nonpolitical/religious events open to all people. For more information, to donate or to sign up to volunteer, visit <http://www.WreathsAcrossAmerica.org>/AR0067.

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