City jail fees on Cotter City Council agenda


The Cotter City Council will meet Thursday evening at 6:30.

A new item of business on the agenda includes the appointment of Jack Christenson to fill a vacancy on the Planning and Zoning Board.

The board will also consider a resolution to amend the 2022 budget to receipt the stipend for police officers, consider an adjustment for late enrollement for employee and employer contributions to the Arkansas Public Employees Retirement System (APERS) and consider an ordinance repealing an ordinance to reduce city jail fees.

Cotter Mayor Mac Caradine will also assign the Planning and Zoning board to review Arkansas Municipal Leagues Pamphlet “Legal Tools To Help Keep a City Clean,” containing sample ordinances.

The board will also discuss Cotter’s State Aid paving project being completed, according to the release, Arkansas Department of Transportation paved Virginia Lee Drive instead of Section Line Road.

Other informational items include preparing for visitor’s coming to see Arkansas’ Great North American Eclipse in 2024 and a free classic movie in the park Aug. 13 at 8:30.

The meeting will take place in the Cotter City Hall Council Chamber.

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