Baxter County Quorum Court tables additional ordinance against reopening of landfill


During Tuesday night’s Baxter County Quorum Court meeting, the court heard an ordinance proposal based on Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) regulations which would give the county the ability to prevent a landfill from opening in the county based on the health and welfare of the citizens.

Friends of the River representative, Steve Blumreich stated to the court they have been working with one of the top environmental attorneys in the state, Richard Mays, to draft two ordinances to consider. One would be specific to NABORS, where it would prevent them from reopening or opening the cell available on the land, and would keep it from opening in the future. Friends of the River would also work with ADEQ to encourage them to clean up the issues already existing on the site.

The second proposed ordinance would cover Baxter County as a whole and would prevent new landfills from opening in the county.

Prosecuting Attorney David Ethridge states there is an Arkansas statue where the county has the ability to stop the construction of a landfill on property inside the county. The concern raised however, is this landfill already exists and would not be preventing the construction of a new one. Therefore the statue is not clear on how it would apply in this situation. Ethridge stated the county has the right to pass the ordinance, but anticipates litigation would arise once passed, but it should not stop the court from making the right decision for the county.

The court decided to table the discussion and defer to the legislative committee for further discussion.

In other business, Judge Kevin Litty proposed to the court, based off of interest he received, to move the meeting time from 6 to 4:30. One reasoning would allow county employees to attend the meeting after offices close, instead of waiting until 6 for the meeting to start. During discussion, Justice of the Peace Tink Albright stated many people get off work at 5 and the new time would prohibit many citizens from attending. In addition, she pointed out the court is now just starting to see more people in attendance and the change could affect community involvement. After discussion, the court voted to keep the meeting time at 6.

The court also approved ordnances to appropriate funds for:

– fees and reimbursements received in the month of December to the sheriff’s department 2022 budget;

– funds to be moved into the ARPA revenue replacement fund and jail maintenance and operation fund in the amount of $18,445.50 for the total cost of law enforcement stipend. Reimbursement amount of $16,147.50 has been received from the state of Arkansas;

– the amount of $127,600 from the Road and Bridge revenue fund into the Road and Bridge 2023 budget;

– the amount of $29,700 for the purchase of a vehicle for the Baxter County Jail;

– the hiring of full time secretary position in the public defenders office for 2023;

– the hiring of a temporary full time deputy assessor;

– to bring the sheriff’s salary in line with the county judge’s salary.

The court also approved resolutions to reappoint Bruce Petray to the Cotter/Gassville Rural Fire Protection District Board of Commissioners for a three year term. They also approved the reappointments of Peter Kauth, Terry Buchman, and Eddie Danhauer for three year terms to the Northeast Lakeside Fire Department Board of Commissioners.

During announcements, Office of Emergency Management Director David Stults, recognized the successes the departments had, along with the employees who worked during the recent winter storms.

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