For senior citizens living on their own, it’s not always easy to prepare themselves a hot meal. There may also be times when they spend an entire day alone without seeing anyone due in part to limited mobility. The Van Matre Senior Center is addressing both issues locally with the Baxter County Meals on Wheels program.
Van Matre Senior Center Director Robin Snyder and Meals on Wheels program assistant Ann Johnson were recent guests of the Talk of the Town on KTLO-FM, and they say Meals on Wheels get delivered locally nearly every weekday.
The local Meals on Wheels program is under the umbrella of the Northwest Arkansas Area Agency on Aging. Johnson and Snyder says because of that, potential applicants will need to contact the senior center to determine if they qualify for meal delivery.
There may be times when drivers are not able to deliver meals, whether it’s due to winter weather or the holidays coming up. Johnson and Snyder say they try to be prepared for those scenarios ahead of time.
Between Meals on Wheels and the congregate meals, it’s estimated that the Van Matre Senior Center provides nearly 81,000 meals on a yearly basis. A portion of the funds is provided from the federal and state governments, but they also rely on private donations and various fundraisers.
In addition, Snyder and Johnson says volunteers are always needed.
For more information about the local Meals on Wheels program, contact the Van Matre Senior Center at 870-424-3054.
This month, Our Community Cares, sponsored by Farmers and Merchants Bank, Danny Porter of Century 21 LeMac Realty and KTLO, Classic Hits and The Boot, recognizes the Van Matre Senior Center’s efforts to provide Meals on Wheels to area senior citizens. Learn more at ktlo.com/ourcommunitycares.
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