Photo courtesy of Horseshoe Bend Chamber of Commerce
A staff member of the Horseshoe Bend city offices was fired last week. Accounts Payable Clerk and Izard County District Court Clerk Victoria Bigness received a memo on Friday from Mayor Duane DeLair stating, “Your services are no longer needed. Your employment is ended. Leave all keys to the building and all passwords.” According to the Pacesetting Times, police officers were in the office with Bigness as she collected her belongings.
Bigness had worked for the city of Horseshoe Bend for the past nine years. She had taken on some extra duties in January until the city council appointed Sandy Maier to fill the vacancy of recorder/treasurer at the end of the month.
The council reportedly passed an ordinance this month changing several Maier’s duties. Initially, the ordinance was introduced with an emergency clause, but it failed with a tie vote. Additional readings were required, and the ordinances was approved with Mayor DeLair joining four other council members in voting in favor of it. One change requires Maier to serve (with the mayor) as administrative office and personnel manager, having direct supervision and authority over all office employees. Prior to the ordinance change, the recorder/treasurer served in that capacity, having direct supervision without the mayor.
Maier contacted DeLair via email to discuss what the meeting would include after he had told Bigness to meet with him that afternoon. DeLair replied, “This is an employee, mayor meeting. You are not invited to this meeting. Thank you.” Maier responded, “I will be there as her direct line supervisor.” The mayor responded, “The city attorney has been contacted and you have no right to be in this meeting.”
Maier reportedly contacted City Attorney Brad Sipe and asked for the legal authority preventing her from attending the meeting as Bigness’ supervisor. Sipe responded, “I am not aware of any law that required the Mayor to have the City Recorder/Treasurer present while he or she meets with a city employee.”
The ordinance will not go into effect until June unless the city council should pass an ordinance shortening the time needed before the ordinance became effective. District Court Judge David Miller has currently not made a decision if court will be held Tuesday in Horseshoe Bend due to Bigness’ termination. The judge has reportedly instructed Horseshoe Bend City Hall staff to secure the files, computer, printer and monitor, all of which belong to the court.
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