Couple on probation for 1 crime arrested on new drug charges


A Mountain Home couple already on probation for hiding a fugitive were in Baxter County Circuit Court recently and pled not guilty to new drug-related charges.

Seventy-two-year-old-year-old Charles Gale and his wife, 65-year-old Stephanie Rae Gale, were initially arrested in late November 2021 when a search warrant was served on their property along Mercedes Loop in Norfork. The warrant was sought based on information that a fugitive, 47-year-old Chad Merriman, was there.

According to the probable cause affidavit, the Gales both denied that Merriman was at their residence.

Officers did find him hiding in a bathroom and took him into custody.

The Gales were arrested and initially charged with hindering apprehension or prosecution and possession of drugs and drug paraphernalia.

Prosecutors dropped the drug-related charges and both Charles and Stephanie Gale were put on misdemeanor probation for 12 months.

A hindering charge is normally filed when suspects are believed to have hidden fugitives, or to have made it difficult for law enforcement to find a fugitive in some other way.

Merriman was charged with possessing drugs, including methamphetamine, fentanyl, cocaine, alprazolam and marijuana. He was also charged with possession of items of drug paraphernalia, including syringes and digital scales.

He was sentenced to 72 months in prison and is currently serving time in the East Arkansas Regional Unit of the state prison system at Brickeys.


The second arrest for the couple came March 27 when officers went to their residence to conduct a compliance visit as required by the terms and conditions of their probation.

The officers found a substance field-testing positive for methamphetamine. The substance was also identified as methamphetamine by Stephanie Gale, according to the probable cause affidavit.

In addition to the methamphetamine, several pipes commonly used to smoke marijuana were located in a bedroom.

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