Baxter Co. Quorum Court passes ordinance to collect fees for Animal Control


The Baxter County Quorum Court met in regular session Thursday night at the Baxter County Courthouse. Before the agenda began, Tina Cole from the Northwest Arkansas Economic Development District, reported an application they applied for the opportunity to host an Innovated Readiness Training mission through the Delta Regional Authority was granted. This partnership brings medical, dental and optical care to residents in need of quality healthcare at not cost to patients. In addition, the mission provide hands-on training for military personnel. The mission is set to take place in Baxter, Marion and Searcy counties July 8-21.In new business, an ordinance was passed which would allow the Baxter County Sheriff’s Office, who will now be managing Animal Control, to levy reasonable fees for the housing, care, maintenance and upkeep of animals lawfully seized by authorities confined at the Baxter County Animal Shelter. These fees would include the cost of impoundment of animals found before they are returned to the owner. For animals seized, the cost would be $5 per day. Unclaimed animals adopted by third party individuals would be charged a flat fee of $25.

An ordinance was approved to appropriate fees and reimbursements for the month of March to the 2023 Sheriff’s Department Budget. An ordinance was also read into the record for the first reading to compel the timely paying of county invoices through the county claims system.

The Court approved an ordinance appropriating funds in the amount of $32,386 from the Animal Control revenue fund to the 2023 Animal Control budget for the purpose of funding a full-time Animal Control Warden.

An ordinance to appropriate $75,000 from the Local Assistance and Tribal Consistency (LATC) fund for renovations to the Carney Building was passed by the Court. LATC funds are a part of the American Recuse Plan where governments can use for any governmental purpose except for a lobbying activity.

The Court approved an ordinance appropriating funds in the amount of $70,963 from the revenue fund to the maintenance shop 2023 budget for the purposed of fuel maintenance reimbursement.

An ordinance was approved by the Court to allow the necessary re-appropriating of funds in the 2022 budget for the state-mandated budget clean up.

In the final item of the agenda, the Court confirmed reappointments of Martha Frazier and Bill Keaster to the Baxter County Equalization Board.

During announcements, Baxter County Sheriff John Montgomery shared the department was awarded at $107,000 grant which would allow for the purchase of 19 docking stations and 17 laptops for deputy vehicles.

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