The Baxter County Quorum Court meeting has been rescheduled to Wednesday night at 6 in the 2nd floor Courtroom of the Baxter County Courthouse due to Governor Sanders Town Hall Tuesday night.
Items on the agenda include a second reading of an ordinance to adopt revisions and additions to the Baxter County personnel policy and pay scale and the Baxter County Sheriff’s Office personnel policy manual and pay scale.
In new business, the court will hear an ordinance to appropriate fees and reimbursements received in June to the Sheriff’s Department budget; an ordinance to appropriate funds from the Road and Bridge budget to the additional motor fuel tax fund in the amount of $89,000; an ordinance appropriating funds in the amount of $195,291 into the LATC fund; a resolution to confirm the appointment of Wayne Frazier to the Rodney-Jordan Fire Protection District Board of Commissioners; a resolution confirming the appointment of Fred Baer to the Norfork Fire Protection District Board of Commissioners; a resolution to confirm the appointment of Earl Olson and the reappointment of Ron Langston to the Norfork Fire Protection District Board of Commissioners; and a resolution to authorize the Baxter County Judge to apply for a grant on behalf of the Cotter-Gassville Rural Fire Protection District.
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