Echols hearing before the Supreme Court to be held in early 2024


Photo provided by Talk Business and Politics, Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin and Jessie Misskelley Jr., were convicted of the murders of three 8-year-old boys in West Memphis in 1993.A hearing for Damien Echols, one of the West Memphis Three, likely won’t be held until next year.

According to Talk Business and Politics, Echols is asking the court to test ligatures used to bound the three boys killed in 1993. The Arkansas Supreme Court is waiting on an amicus brief from the Innocence Project, expected to be filed before the end of the month.

Once the brief has been filed the appeal will “get in line” behind previously filed cases to officially be submitted to the high court.

Arkansas Supreme Court Clerk Kyle Burton told Talk Business and Politics it is difficult to predict when it will be heard.

Echols asked prosecutors in 2020 if the shoelaces that bound the 8-year-old boys could be M-Vac DNA tested. Often referred to as “touch” DNA testing, the company’s CEO Jared Bradley previously told Talk Business & Politics that the killer or killers were the last person or persons to touch those ligatures.

Visit Talk Business and Politics for the full report.

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