Lecture series aims to educate citizens on the U.S. Constitution


The Donald W. Reynolds Library serving Baxter County will host a lecture series aiming to educate local citizens on the U.S. Constitution. The Constitution: Foundation & Hope of the American Republic, 1787 to present, will begin Feb. 5 from 1-3 and will run for eight consecutive weeks. Classes will be led by Professor Jim Carroll and produced by Peter Guiliano, a former television and film producer.

Professor Carroll and Guiliano were recent guests on KTLO’s Talk of the Town and Carroll says now more than ever citizens need to be educated on how this document affects many aspects of their daily lives.


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Carroll states many current issues are being brought up for interpretation through the lens of this historical document. With the 2024 presidential election on the horizon, having a strong understanding of the history behind the document can help people understand the events that affect them today.


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Participants will learn more about the motivations behind the actions of the Founding Fathers, explore the Bill of Rights and study the design of the Constitiution. A $100 donation to the Baxter County Library Foundation is requested and payable at the Library Circulation Desk at the first lecture. The library is located at 300 Library Hill in Mountain Home, for more information call the library at (870)580-0987.

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