Jimmy Foster named January Ag. Student of the Month


The Baxter County Farm Bureau Board and Young Farmers and Ranchers Committee have named Jimmy Foster as the January Ag. Student of the Month. Foster is a member of the Norfork FFA Chapter and the son of Amy and Harold Midcap.

Foster states being a part of the Norfork FFA Chapter has helped him his achieve goals and make friends. He is an active member of the Meats CDE team and says it has helped him develop better learning strategies along with helping him become more confident and open.

Foster placed second with his team in the Meats CDE Contest and seventh individually.

The award is sponsored by the Baxter County Farm Bureau Board of Directors, the Young Farmer and Ranchers Committee and Tractor Supply Company. More awards will be given to Baxter County agriculture students monthly throughout the year.

For more information on the Baxter County Farm Bureau Board of Directors, call 870-425-2991.

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