Cotter City Council to approve resolution to issue bonds for sewer project Thursday night


The Cotter City Council will meet in regular session Thursday night at 6 in the Cotter City Hall Council Chambers.

Items on the agenda include a resolution required by the USDA to authorize the Cotter City Council to issue bonds to finance the remaining construction improvements for the Phase II Sewer Rehabilitation Project; a resolution for the city to apply for a 75% grant from the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission Marine Fuel Tax program to asphalt overlay Big Spring Parkway from Arkansas Highway 345 to the river access ramp and adjacent parking lot; a first reading on an ordinance to increase water rate to comply with Act 605 by July 1; the mayor will present a summary of bid and quotes received for the booster pump project maintenance building and underground water piping to be paid with ARPA funds; and the council to schedule a workshop in April.

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