Following a recent rash of high speed pursuits, KTLO, Classic Hits and The Boot News reached out to Baxter County Sheriff John Montgomery and Mountain Home Police Chief Eddie Griffin to discuss their departments’ policies concerning pursuits.
Both men agree they don’t like pursuits, but Montgomery says it’s part of the job.
Griffin says when deciding to pursue a suspect, there are several factors the officer has to take into account.
Sheriff Montgomery also says his deputies have a lot of input into whether to pursue or not.
Chief Griffin says another factor his officers can take into account is where we live.
The Baxter County sheriff explains what happens if a suspect is pursued into another state.
Griffin says speed is one factor when deciding to terminate a pursuit, but other factors go into that decision as well.
Montgomery understands not everyone is a fan of pursuits.
According to the Mountain Home police chief, a large number of pursuits they had last year were called off and they review each pursuit to learn from them.
Two of the three recent pursuits results in arrests. KTLO, Classic Hits and The Boot News has reached out several times to the Arkansas State Police to get a report about the third pursuit which occurred April 11, but we have not received it yet.
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