Baxter Co. Quorum Court to meet Tuesday night


The Baxter County Quorum Court will meet in regular session Tuesday night at 6 in the 2nd floor courtroom of the Baxter County Courthouse.

Items on the agenda include:

– an ordinance to appropriate fees and reimbursements in the amount of $9,088.10 received in March to the Sheriff’s Office 2024 budget;

– an ordinance to appropriate funds in the amount of $12,000 from the county general fund to the 2024 airport budget for equipment repair;

– an ordinance to re-appropriate funds in the amount of $706.50 within the Public Defender’s 2024 budget to correct the budget deficit caused by moving a position from part time to full time;

– an ordinance to re-appropriate funds in the 2023 budget previously authorized for the state-mandated budget cleanup;

– a resolution to re-appoint Carmen Rosson to the Baxter County Board of Equalization for a three year term to expire in June 2027;

– a resolution to appoint Thomas Middleton to the Baxter County Board of Equalization to replace Martha Frazier who is unable to complete her term. Middleton’s term is set to expire June 2026;

– a resolution to appoint Lindsey Oliver to the Midway Fire Protection District Board of Commissioners to replace Matthew Johnson who is unable to complete his term. Oliver’s term is set to expire November 2025;

– a resolution to re-appoint James Smakal to the Grover Township Fire Protection District Board of Commissioners for a three year term to expire in March 2027; and

– a resolution to re-appoint Shannon Clements to the Midway Fire Protection District Board of Commissioners for a three year term to expire in November 2025.

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