Insurance agent offers tips for those affected by Sunday’s storms


As those affected by the severe thunderstorms and tornadoes that hit portions of the Twin Lakes Area early Sunday morning continue the clean up process, many have started reaching out to their insurance agents to begin filing claims. Before you do, there is one big step you should do, according to Joanna Baxter Farris of Baxter Insurance in Mountain Home.


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Baxter Farris says local agents have been inundated with calls since Sunday morning, so she says if you have a minor claim, she suggests waiting a while before calling.


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The local agent says the old adage “patience is a virtue” is going to hold true for those who need assistance.


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Baxter Farris says she expects it will be weeks before they get to everyone.


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She suggests using local companies to do the work if possible because it is easier to have warranty work done later if a problem arises. She also warns to be careful of companies from out of town and to call and verify anyone that is doing work for you has insurance before they begin the work.

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