The Baxter Day Service Center is a non-profit organization which serves mentally challenged adults. The center also provides recycling services to the residents of Baxter County.
Paul Neal, the executive director for the Baxter Day Service Center, along with board members Kris and Kristi Steelman, spoke with KTLO, Classic Hits and The Boot News to discuss the services they offer and some of the struggles they have been experiencing in trying to keep the center going.
Neal states a big driver in the decline of clients is the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, a federal mandate passed in 2015, which regulates when clients can begin in the center.
The center offers their clients not only employment, but life skills classes as well to help them lead independent lives.
Kristi Steelman says the clients they serve are proud to be there and enjoy the work they do.
Neal shares how the center is struggling financially with the decrease in clients.
For more information, get involved or to donate to the Baxter Day Service Center, call 870-425-4322.
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