Governor names new head of Arkansas National Guard, department of military

ARKANSAS ADVOCATE: Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Monday named Col. Olen Chad Bridges as the new adjutant general of the Arkansas National Guard and secretary of the Department of Military.Bridges will replace Maj. Gen. Jonathan Stubbs, whom Sanders appointed to the role in January 2023. President Joe Biden nominated Stubbs to lead the U.S. Army National Guard last month, and the U.S. Senate approved the recommendation on Thursday.

Bridges will bring more than three decades of military experience to the post, including a leadership role for a deployment in Germany and work in the Pentagon, according to a press release from Sanders’ office.

“As a proud Arkansan, leading the exceptional men and women of the Arkansas National Guard in our mission to serve our state and nation is a lifetime privilege,” Bridges said in a statement. “I acknowledge our service members’ families and employers whose support and sacrifice enable our mission success. We will continue to make the great state of Arkansas proud by upholding the highest standards of service and commitment to our state and nation.”

Sanders expressed optimism and confidence about Bridge’s ability to lead the Arkansas National Guard in a press release.

“Throughout his 32-year military career that includes leading Arkansas’ soldiers in three overseas deployments, Colonel Bridges has led troops in the Middle East, served several important assignments in the Pentagon, and been a loyal public servant to our state and nation,” Sanders said.

The Arkansas National Guard has in recent years been deployed to provide potable water in communities with outages and aid in clean-up efforts after severe weather. Sanders has also occasionally deployed members of the state National Guard to the country’s southern border, where they assisted Texas authorities in curbing illegal immigration.

Bridges currently lives in Conway with his spouse and two children.

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