The Maynard School District canceled classes Wednesday due to a social media threat claiming a landmine was on campus.”Parents and School Community, there has been a threat made on social media regarding a land mine on our school campus. We want to assure you that the police are on our campuses actively investigating the threat and conducting a complete and thorough sweep of all of our facilities. The safety and well-being of our students and staff are our top priority. We will keep you updated with all important information. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation,” Superintendent Dr. Amy Jackson said in a statement to the public.
According to Dr. Jackson, law enforcement launched an immediate investigation into the threat, conducting a complete and throrough sweep of all facilities with the help of an explosive detection canine.
Around noon Wednesday, he reported the campus was safe and nothing had been found.
Randolph County Sheriff Kevin Bell says that one male juvenile has been arrested and charged in Central Missouri after the threat was posted on social media. Arkansas law prohibits any details being released about the suspect, but Sheriff Bell assured the situation “is being dealt with appropriately.”
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