Mountain Home School Board approves installation of new smoke detection system at high school

The Mountain Home Public Schools Board of Education met in regular session Thursday night, where they discussed the next steps of the transitional plan to remedy the issues at the high school. Heather Link has the story.Listen:

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A link to view the full meeting can be found with this story at



During Thursday night’s meeting, the Mountain Home Public Schools Board of Education discussed the next steps of the transitional plan required by the Arkansas Division of Public Schools Facilities and Transportation.

The district has until February 1, 2030, to complete the project. During this time, they must show progress each year to remedy the issue under the “Big Top” at the high school. Last year, progress was shown when the district had a fire marshal come into the building and lay out what needed to be done. As the Board decides what actions to take next, they approved the purchase and installation of a new smoke detection system for $22,747.

In other action items, the Board:

approved the purchase of new tables for the high school cafeteria for $129,434. Director of Operations Chris Knight asked the Board to go with a slightly higher bid due to the higher quality;
approved to amend the Fiscal Year 2025 as allocations changed and additional grant funding was received;
approved the purchase of two busses, including a used 2022 Ford Blue Bird Vision 77-passenger gasoline route bus with 23,000 miles, equipped with a camera system for $102,900, and a 2024 Chevy 30-passenger Mirco-Bird gasoline bus in the amount of $108,335;
approved updated language to the Transportation Salary Schedule and Hourly Rate Schedule to read that activity trip drivers are paid their hourly rate or sub-activity rate of $15 for non-contracted drivers with a 14-hour maximum;
approved total reimbursable purchases of $241,009 for instructional support to students through High-Impact Tutoring. On August 23, they were notified that they once again received grant funding for the tutoring program.
approved contracted service agreements with Kaye Hollingsworth for High-Impact Tutoring to students in the district, primarily at the Kindergarten and to Marsha Partney for ESOL testing;
approved the adoption of the Baxter County Hazard Mitigation Plan Resolution, which would allow for the district to apply for future federal funding through FEMA with the assistance of the Northwest Arkansas Economic Development District. The resolution will give the district the opportunity to develop projects to help mitigate disasters so they are not as severe, such as community safe rooms; and;
approved a policy update to allow individuals who wish to address the Board up to 24 hours before the meeting to make the request instead of five days as previously indicated.

The Board also heard from a member of the public, Dr. Bill Lewis of Harrison, who stressed the importance of transparency and executive sessions.

A link to view the full meeting can be found with this story at



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