Jacob Stewart (Photo courtesy of Baxter County Sheriff’s Office)
A man charged with passing a bogus check to a local pawn shop appeared in Baxter County Circuit Court Oct 21.
Thirty-eight-year-old Jacob Lee Stewart of Yellville entered a not guilty plea to a charge of second-degree forgery.
The case opened on Steward is the second one to be filed in which six checks were passed by four people to the same business from June 6 to July 23.
Thirty-nine-year-old Tabatha Kay Johnson is charged with two counts of forgery. It is alleged she presented checks for $1,000 on two separate days.
Her driver’s license was scanned and retained by the business.
Johnson claims to have received the checks from a man she had been communicating with online who said he was in the U.S. Navy currently overseas on a “mission.”
Her charges were dismissed after she paid victim restitution in full.
No information on how Stewart came into possession of the check he cashed at the business is contained in the probable cause affidavit.
According to the probable cause affidavit, Stewart is alleged to have come to the business and cashed a check for almost $1,600.
The check was returned from the bank with the note that they could not be presented again because the instruments had been forged or altered.
Anyone cashing checks at the business is required to present a driver’s license which is scanned and retained. The investigator was provided all documents pertaining to the transaction by the business.
Stewart is free on $2,500 bond.
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