The Mountain Home City Council will hold its regular meeting Thursday evening at 5 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building.
Agenda items include a resolution outlining the city’s organizational structure, adoption of committee assignments, and council appointments to the Advertising and Promotion Commission. They will also discuss revisions to the proposed organizational resolution to note how many votes is needed for a quorum/majority/two-thirds majority and better explain what an emergency clause is.
The council will also consider a resolution waiving competitive bidding to authorize the purchase of three 2025 Ford Explorers for the Mountain Home Police Department and an ordinance allowing municipal employees and officials to conduct limited business with the city for carpentry and exchanging of ammunition.
The council will discuss a 3-percent cost of living adjustment raise for retired elected officials.
Other items include funding for the North Central Arkansas Economic Alliance and the potential cancellation of the Jan. 16 meeting due to the Arkansas Municipal League Conference in Little Rock.
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